Captain Gideon Bavly
Gideon Bavly, a US Coast Guard certified captain, is privileged to invite you out for a cruise aboard his Hunter 29.5 boat.
Growing up on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, Gideon\’s first lesson in the rough summer water of the sea was his father\’s advice to \”be one with the water\”. Years later, after windsurfing as a young adult, Gideon decided to learn about the physics of sailing and fell in love with the water. Now a captain, he is ready to show both seasoned sea travelers and newcomers alike the joy of flying briskly along the water.

in 1998 Gideon joined the sailing program with Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports. Gideon\’s involvement with the program developed to a close, symbiotic relationship that is still growing strong. In 1999, Gideon was certified as a US Sailing Instructor at the Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center, and became a lead instructor with Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, teaching people with disabilities the art of sailing. Following a full season in the Lake Champlain Ferry\’s engine room and three more seasons on deck, Gideon received his Captain\’s license and in 2008 incorporated as Zebulon LLC, DBA LET\’S GO SAILING!